Archive for November, 2018


I want to share a beautiful testimony by Geoffrey Cohen, shared on the Sid Roth program.. it was an older testimony from around the 1980s or 1990’s… one of Sid Roth’s “Classic programs” of the past that he re-airs from time to time.

Geoffrey Cohen was a good Jewish man , who while not antagonistic against Jesus, didn’t really believe Jesus was even Jewish.., but some Gentile figure who helps the Catholic folks find God .,   but He probably isn’t even Hebrew, and certainly isn’t alive any longer or their resurrected Messiah.

One day he was on a trip to Jerusalem, and happened to hear a sermon on Jesus… which though he found confusing, it began opening his heart to Jesus Christ.    While in the City of Jerusalem, near the Jaffa Gate,  he had a visitation of Jesus Christ.,standing 20 yards away from him, and dressed in the clothing the Hebrew men wore 2000 years ago.,  robe, tunic and all.   He had the same body build as Geoffrey did, and yet , while Geoffrey was pure Jewish, Jesus looked even MORE Middle-Eastern than Geoffrey did, with much darker skin as well.   His eyes looked right into his heart and were something he could never forget, even 16 years after sharing his encounter.   He described Jesus’s eyes as “liquid love” that could see everything about him instantly..  and He spoke only one word to Geoffrey.. (without opening His mouth, but speaking into Geoffrey’s mind)  “Hineni”, He said.    And Geoffrey, being Hebrew, knew that He said, “Here Am I” in ancient Hebrew.

When I listened to that part of the testimony, of Jesus saying that,  I thought of Isaac telling his father, Abraham, “Here am I”, when Abraham called him, and I thought of the soldiers falling down in the Garden of Gethsemane when He said, “I Am He”., at the spiritual power of His voice.

The Holy Spirit stirred my heart as I reflected on that precious moment Geoffrey had, meeting our King in Exile, face to face., and experiencing that He IS the living Messiah, resurrected by the Holy Spirit and interceding for us all.

I asked the Lord if He would allow me to open to anything from a devotional book, I have, titled, Jesus Calling… and also “He and I”.     What I opened from Jesus Calling, I will share here:   “I Am all around you, like a cocoon of Light.  My Presence is a promise, independent of your awareness of Me…. In this world you will have problems, but you need not lose sight of Me.”

Here Am I,  Hineni♥♥♥

the passion of the christ serpent garden of olives passion021

(photos from the movie, The Passion of Christ, produced by Mel Gibson)


Below is an actual transcript of Jesus’, through the Holy Spirit sharing with sister, Tracy Savannah, a little of His experience on Earth..   and His message to us all.   Tracy is baptized by the Holy Spirit, so when she goes into prayer, she can connect with Him and hear Him speak all the more clearly to her.   This message can be found on Tracy’s You Tube channel a this link: and was given to her on 11/2/18

“I walked alone, but I was NOT alone because the Father was with Me.  I was way out of their league.  The people- the generation that I came to preach the Kingdom of God to were way out of My league.  They had made up their own minds, their own precepts, their own doctrines.      I came to provide a NEW doctrine to them- to their ears they had not ever heard and not ever seen with their eyes.  They had no idea.

I had to lean on My Father like never before.  When I was in Heaven, I was near My Father at all times.  I was not flesh.  So when I came to this earth, I had to lean on Him like never before in My life.        Oh, it was grand!   It was quite the experience.  It was amazing!  It was wonderful, it was glorified. (Tracy:  “wow, I feel your heart, Jesus..)

Jesus continues:  When I was tempted of the devil, I knew I had power over him by the word of God.  The word of God crushed him under My feet.  Use My word to crush the devil under your feet, My children. (Tracy:  “Yes, JESUS!”).   The devil has no power over you – over My word.  Stop letting the devil under your feet- he’s crushed by My word.  My word goes out of My mouth- it is like a two edged sword.  It fights dominions, it fights principalities, it fights devils, it fights darkness.  Start speaking My word, children.  Speaking My word over every single area of your life that is dark, and you will see the Light come.  It is MY Light- My Light is the Word.

I AM the Word- yes- I AM the Word made FLESH.  Open your eyes, children.  Get My word inside of you, Get ME inside of you- I’m Jesus.  I love you all- each and everyone.  I am alive;  I am real.  I Am the Resurrection and I am the Life.”