Archive for March, 2019

The Lonely Stranger


actual alleged photos taken by accident prior to a revival meeting being held at a large American city.  These were on David E. Taylor’s ministry website.. the woman who took them couldn’t wait to submit them to him.  She had been led to get out her cellphone and snap away at random in various areas as led by the Holy Spirit.  I believe they are genuine, and Jesus was “prayer walking” throughout the city the night before David E. Taylor’s prayer revival.

“When a lonely stranger travels through a distant country, he sometimes finds it painful not to see any affectionate recognition anywhere but to go on His way as one among the dead.  I am this stranger when no rememberance of Me passes across your souls, when they are sealed and lifeless.  But I call you by events;  by some circumstances.  “That’s chance”, they say.  Who will say, “It is He.”

His Wounded Hands


This morning I was thinking about Jesus’s wounded hands..   If ever a person should have had the utmost care given their hands, it is Jesus.. because He had done nothing but good, and expressed nothing but love with those hands of His.   He touched a leper as He healed him.. (and it wasn’t necessary for Him to touch that leper for him to be healed.. His heart was stirred with compassion for the leper); He pulled people out of their deathbeds with those hands.  With His hands, He worked with wood to support Mary and her other children after Joseph died. As a servant, He washed the disciples dirty feet with His hands. He picked up the little child to bless with His hands and with His hands He wipes away our tears.

Those hands deserved the utmost expensive nard ointment and a solid gem encased gold ring on His finger., but Jesus is as the child reaching for the injured bird caught in  the thorns, to save it from death.   Happily he saves the bird , not concerned with the thorn caused bloody wounds.  All Jesus ever expressed with His hands was Divine love.

Even when Jesus used His hands to hold the whip that drove the money changers out of the Temple, He wielded that whip with Divine Love..   Not to injure the money changers, but to detox the Temple of the festering greed of alliance with this World’s system.

The Holy Spirit always led His hands, but it was mankind who mistreated them , bludgeoning them with thick iron stake-like nails., damaging the flesh , muscles and nerves in His hands/wrists as His arms were forced out of joint as they hammered them onto the wooden crossbeam of His cross.  The cross He was made to carry up Golgotha with those splintered hands of love.  The cross made of wood from trees He had once shaped as a carpenter’s son.  Trees He had created centuries earlier with His Father and Holy Spirit for this Earth.. made out of love for man and beast.

No, our Lord deserved precious ointment on those hands,!    In Heaven, we will see those hands and if He permits, we will kiss them in tears, for what He endured to pull us out of the Thorns of this World and our self, to set us free to embrace Him .. with our hands!

photo from the movie, The Passion of Christ, by Mel Gibson)

The following is a vision a “dear sister in Christ” shared with me that she had a few years ago.  She asks that all who read this put yourself in her place..  as He loves us ALL the same, and died for us ALL! :

“I will continue with this vision that I had several years ago and even now..and just put yourself in my place for His love is for All!

I was selling and such at a market where Mother Mary lived.  And she bought some produce or the like, and we started to talk.  I was only about 14 or 15.  I guess my parents there had this little market set up outside with a tent like covering and rows of items of food to buy, I think mostly vegs and fruits.  Well Mother Mary and I hit if off so much laughing and talking and she said if I was in her part of the town to do stop by and see her and have something to eat and drink with her.  And I said yes, I would love to.  She never mentioned that she had a Son…

Well one day I had some time and I went to her part where she lived in a very modest place..simple. On the way were some little wild flowers growing by the side of the road..yellow I think, but I don’t know what type they were.  I had a bunch full, and they were about 8″ high in my hand.

I found her place and the door was opened to a table and chairs and she was making tea I think and was so happy that I came by to see her.  She saw the flowers and I said to her..”they looked a little lonely and I thought you might cheer them up.”  She smiled and put them into a little one made of clay or a similar material.
We were talking and she wanted me to stay to have some dinner or lunch..not sure what time of day… middle afternoon I think.  Maybe 2-3pm- I think.

So as she was preparing something for us, I heard this little noise in a back room.. And I looked over to where it was coming from.  She never told me about Jesus living with her.  So as I was looking, a curtain sort of material moved to the side and there was Jesus!!  Oh, my He was so nice looking and I wondered “who is this?”  To myself.

Mary did not say a word, just smiled as she fussed at the table before us.  He was only about 24 or so I think.  And our eyes LOCKED.  We just stared at each other….but of course I broke eye contact for it was a bit “off” to stare at someone.  He was very polite and came out to us.  It was some sort of carpentry place He was working at.  I was so surprised;  Mary never told me when she was buying items at the stand we had in town.

  She said nothing… and then it changed that I had to go home and He offered to walk me home to be safe and we just talked in a lovely way all the way to my house.  And we just looked at each other with such peace and respect and attraction for sure.  And I was thinking, of course not really knowing, Who He was…”why does He not have a wife?”
And of course my thoughts were on a roller coaster ride, if you Know What I Mean…lol!

But it ended there, this vision.  But this is For everyone.  The love and that He is the Bridegroom of Creation…He belongs to us all.  In perfect love.
So I wanted to share this with you.  I have not told another yet.  I have had other visions similar..maybe another day.  Share if you want, but maybe keep my name out of it as I tend to be a bit private with this.  Just say “a dear spiritual sister in Christ”, I guess.

Ok, love and prayers and again…..this is for us all.  Just put yourself in my place..and enjoy the visit!