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“Come and See”

John 1: 37-39

John 11: 34-40

In the early part of Jesus’s ministry, two of John’s disciples were drawn to Jesus and leaving the group, followed after Him along the path. Jesus turned to them and asked them What they were seeking, and they asked Him, “Rabbi, where do you Dwell?”. He replied, “Come and you will see”. and from that moment on they followed Him and remained with Him. They followed the Author of Life.. One Who would give His life so that mankind would turn from the path of death and receive True Life .

Later in Jesus’s ministry Lazarus dies and his sister, Martha confronts Jesus, saying if He had come sooner, Lazarus wouldn’t have died. Jesus gently asks, “Where have you laid him?”, and they replied,
“Come and see.”

Jesus’s reply to the two disciples to “come and see” where He dwelled was a coming and seeing that leads to true Life in Him. But when Jesus was told, “come and see” where Lazarus was laid, it was a “dead end” quite literally… seeing where a friend of His was laid to rest after death. Death that one day He will vanquish in His Father’s Plan for the complete Restoration of mankind In the Kingdom Age. The scriptures then mention that Jesus wept after they replied, “Come and See”.

Jesus wants us to “come and see” where He dwells, and to leave the path that leads to death to follow Him on His path that leads to true Life. He went to where they buried Lazarus, and called Him out of the grave.. and brought Lazarus back to life., because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!

While resting this morning, I thought of how good God has been to us after our house fire on Good Friday, 2023… How our living conditions have improved. I think of Jesus who left His Residence in Heaven with its perfect beauty- streets of Gold, walls of polished stones, ivory and pearl, and emptied Himself to live in very poor conditions. Floors of pressed dirt, streets of stones and mule manure, dirty puddles and lice infestations.

Jesus’s humility didnt’ allow for a puffed up ego. Without contention or complaint, He remained emptied of self while living in Nazareth as He grew up on earth in very poor earthly conditions. I opened up blindly to His recorded words to Gabrielle Bossis in her journal, “He and I”, after asking Him regarding this, and He gave me the following:

“Don’t you live as though you were all going to remain on earth forever? You so seldom give even a furtive glance at the life Beyond, at your Residence of tomorrow, when your heart should already be there, thanking Me, praising Me, adoring Me every day and in every action of the day. You, at least you, child.. is your soul filled with Me? Do you breathe for Me alone? Do you still put your interests before Mine, or in your earthly pilgrimage do you carry Me before you like a lantern?…”

Wow…a few months after our housefire, after moving into our new rental home, I found a porcelain ornament in a local department store that seemed as though it was placed there expressly for me. It was with the Christmas ornaments, yet it was not related to Christmas. It had no price and the clerk didn’t know how it got there and gave it to me for only 25 cents. On it is a painting of a butterfly on flowers, and the words, “All this and Heaven too”. I took that as a message from our Lord that , yes, He was blessing us with a material rental property, but don’t forget our True Home in Heaven… ! All things on this Earth will pass away (As I learned early during our house fire last year) but only God remains and our relationship with HIM!

Our King’s Body Expresses Him

Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep.. I had a low grade sinus headache which still hadn’t gone away after waking up at midnight after getting to bed early at 8:00 pm. I asked the Lord if He would alleviate it so that I would be able to wake up in time to get ready for church this morning.. It didnt immediately go away, yet I did fall back to sleep for a time, and then had a wierd dream that I don’t want to go into here…as it was definitely not from God; more from the pits of Hell than anything. I woke up, and asked God to forgive and deliver me from any part of my human nature that gave license to any demon in having given me that dream.

Then I went back to sleep yet again, and this time, I had a sort of vision where I was observing an older man.. perhaps in his 60’s or 70’s in a hooded nuetral beighe/ivory robed garment as Jesus would have worn 2000 years ago. He was in a cavern type area with candlelight illuminating the stone walls around him. He was very reverently lovingly worshipping our Lord while lighting a candle and preforming some type of simple spiritual ceremony in that area… perhaps praying before giving out Holy Communion to those he was ministering to. I understood him to be some sort of a priest from the Early Church – perhaps one of the Apostles who walked with Jesus and were now serving Him as the Holy Spirit led them.

One of the main impressions I had watching this person back in ancient times was his demeanor and very essence spoke of Jesus… He was truly full of the Holy Spirit and to see this person was literally to see Jesus . He emanated Jesus so much that I even thought he WAS Jesus, only I knew Jesus was crucified in His early 30’s… and this man was in his late 60’s or so.

The Holy Spirit then confirmed to me that this man served Him while on Earth and was (and IS) a part of His Body of believers. He allowed himself to be emptied of his self-life so that the Holy Spirit could express HIMSELF through Him, and thus become united with His Love.. His Lord Jesus Who had become King in His own life. His worship and spiritual ceremony to the Lord was totally sincere and without fanfare or ego. I was actually drawn closer to Jesus, Himself, and felt more of a spiritual atttraction to Him by watching this disciple… who did not need to speak. The Lord through Him spoke volumes to me.

I woke up again from that dream and found my headache was totally gone., and I fell back asleep again with the memory of that vision… waking up the last time just in time to get ready for church. Putting on a local Christian radio station in the car , I quickly turned the radio off, as the music was so totally opposite to the holy reverence, simplicity and holiness I sensed emanating from that man in that vision earlier. I sensed such a spiritual contrast. Not that the musicians were bad people…. we are all works in progress at various degrees in need of learning and growing in our spiritual walk. I just felt that their music im this particular song missed the spiritual mark of the reverence and holy annointing of the Holy Spirit. Prior to that vision , perhaps I wouldn’t have noticed.

While in church our topic was regarding “God’s Nobodies”. Those who allow the Lord to be glorified through them, at the loss of their social reputations, and to accept persecutions to be identified with Jesus. Again, I thought of that vision of that ancient times servant of our Lord., and I saw the parallel. In order to be used by God on Earth as in Heaven, we need to become His nobodies… nothing in the eyes of others, not even anything special in our OWN eyes… but indeed, truly precious in God’s eyes. St. Therese of Lisuex was led to even serve and love our Lord even if she was not even precious in HIS eyes… but totally ignored by Him. Of course God definitely loves each of us, but He gave her grace to be disposed for even that … to love our Lord even if He could care less for us. This is only through His grace alone and I know I havn’t come to that point spiritually . I was just grateful for His encouragment , vision and teaching that He cared enough to send a random child of His who had a low-grade sinus headache!

This article was posted at the Heart Dwellers Africa Blog on 12/27/2022… I didn’t write this. Our Lord inspired it. Heart Dweller’s Africa has many beautiful blog posts and messages given from Jesus, and I reccomend you check it out!

When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.  in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”

So, he got up, took the child and his mother during the night, and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Matthew 2:13-14 NIV

Come with me from Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel. Follow the shepherds to Bethlehem, the city of bread. If we hurry, we can catch up with them. See the hoof prints of a donkey in the dust, almost covered, leading away toward Egypt. If you follow them, you will find them. A man leading a donkey, with a mother and her young son on her lap. His eyes attentive yet His mouth not yet able to speak.

This here is Jesus the Son of God, fleeing for His life to Egypt where His ancestors had been slaves.

Here is the Lamb of God who will take the away the sins of the world, fleeing for His life into exile. He has no entourage, no soldiers to protect Him. His parents are poor and lowly, His mother a teenager herself. There is nothing to protect Him, to keep Him in the land that He was called. He who has already come a long way is now placed upon the road to a land that does not love His people. He goes into exile, away from His people into the land of Egypt.

Yet out of all those forced to leave their homes to save their lives He chose this. Out of all the children of the world He Himself submitted knowingly to this. He chose to give up His place of Glory and Honor that was always His in heaven, the worship of angels and adoration of all creation to become us. Not like us but actually us. A human being.

He chose to come like we all come, from the womb of His mother. He chose to be human in every way. Fully God and Fully Man sits with His mother on that donkey, fully in control and yet fully in submission to His Father.

He did not come with trumpet blasts or with the proclamations of men. His bed was not made of the finest furs and His clothes the softest silk. Gold, silver, and jewels did not wink from His crib, cared for His every need and desire by a multitude of servants. The witnesses of His birth were animals, His bed their feed trough. The same swaddling clothes the firstborn male lambs were given in preparation for sacrifice in the temple were His first clothes, binding Him as they did the lambs so they would not harm themselves, and therefore be disqualified for sacrifice. For only those without blemish were chosen, perfectly white.

Those first told of His birth were lowly shepherds who the angels proclaimed in the middle of the night. Only now as a toddler three wise men, kings of the east came to honor Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gold in honor of His Kingship, frankincense in honor of His High Priest status and myrrh foreshadowing His sacrifice on our behalf. Yet just after this elevation of truth, just after their lordly guests have left, Joseph is told by an angel they must leave, hurriedly, quickly in the night to save His life from the paranoia fear and jealousy of Herod, the false king of Israel.

For the true king of Israel is leading the donkey, the blood of King David runs through Joseph’s veins, as well as Mary Jesus’s mother. Yet they are both lowly, poor, and destitute. The lowest of the low. Their community has turned their back on them, for though His mother conceived and gave birth to Him in complete purity though the Holy Spirit that was not the perception the community had of this situation. Who ever heard of a virgin giving birth? It’s impossible! So, His mother was shamed for being pregnant out of wedlock, and His adopted father shamed for taking her under his wing. How the gossip tongued must have wagged at them saying that Joseph had taken his rights as husband before the wedding.

What they spoke of was just speculation, just rumors and malice. Yet because of this His mother was unclean in their eyes and therefore all doors were closed to them, none supporting His birth. A lonely cave that shepherds used, and animals were kept was His birthing place.

Already He has been given shame and reproach for nothing He has done, and His parents unjustly accused. For it was their holiness and purity that chose them to be the mother and adopted father of Him who holds up the very foundations of the world. Yet the jealousy and perceptions of their community judged them wicked and profane. How many times when the Lord does something new to those close to us it is easier to judge it as evil than the good the Lord is doing.

So there goes Jesus the Son of God into exile, following the trail that His forefathers took to escape Egypt. He now goes back to save His life, completely submitting to the Father’s will. For the prophets spoke that out of Egypt God the Father would call His Son. So, the Son must go into exile to be called out of it. He must go to be in the place of foreigners with different culture and beliefs. He must be ripped out of everything familiar and placed where more shame and slander can be poured out on Him. For when do exiles are given a place at a table of culture in a foreign land? They are the lowest of the low, grudgingly given house room. Used to fulfill tasks the country’s natives would see beneath them. Vulnerable to theft and deceit, for though the land may have laws and protections for all living there the financial means and/or the knowledge regarding that defence is low. For a person coming with only the clothes on their backs to a new land, culture and language has very little to defend themselves against those who have lived there for generations.

It is through this Jesus makes Himself available to all of us. For by Jesus being born of a virgin He showed that every child is valuable, important, and precious, even those in the womb of young teenage girls.

For Jesus being born in a stable was an invitation to the entire human race to come to Him. Not one would be rejected because of their place or station of this world. For Jesus came at the lowest place, the place where every door was shut against Him. He was born in that place so that everyone can come. He became the great equalizer of all our differences.

He Himself is living what will become the great sermon called the beatitudes. He will speak to His people about thirty years later. He became poor in spirit for us. He chose to mourn with us and become the meek. He chose to hunger and thirst and to show mercy. He chose to be persecuted because of righteousness. All this He chose to be the bottom of all ladders so that all of us would know that all are accepted, all are loved, and all are chosen. He will not reject the smoldering wick or bruised reed. He has room for all.

In this He is showing that those who have no place to lay their head. Those who have lost everything, He is there, He understands, and He is for us. We are not alone. He was tempted just like we were and dealt with all that humanity goes through yet did not sin. He understands our frailty and weakness. His knowing that we are only dust allows His compassion to flow toward us. This is why He is our great High Priest who understands and sacrifices Himself on the altar to save us.

Going to Egypt is in submission of the Father, for the prophets spoke that out of Egypt God would call His son. In this God the Father prescribed this suffering to Jesus and His parents. The struggles and pain that we deal with in our lives could not be because we have done anything wrong. Jesus did nothing wrong and yet this is happening to Him. Sometimes God the Father prescribes suffering, and usually to those most devoted to Him. He tests us to see our devotion and Love for Him through the suffering, the loss, the struggle, the silence. He molds and cleans out our sinful bents through the suffering fire. It’s also what helps us join with Jesus for He called those who love Him to pick up their crosses and follow Him. Those who would share in His Glory must first share in His sufferings.

Yet the sacrifice and struggle to go to Egypt was met with the promise that He would be called back to the land of Israel, and it was so. The promise given to Jesus by the Father, that the laying down His life would not be the end, but the beginning starting with His Resurrection on the third day was fulfilled.

For all that God asks us to place on the altar to be consumed He gives back more than we can ask or imagine. He promises that He is with us through the struggles, that He will sustain us despite all the world against us and the darkness trying to snuff us out. What God had started in us He will complete in fullness. We have the promise that though Jesus went through great hardship, pain, sorrow, and sacrifice by following in His footsteps we will also share in His great Glory for eternity. God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit will see us through.

The sacrifice of Christ culminated at the cross, but the sacrifice of Himself for us was given the moment He placed Himself into His mother’s womb. So let us follow our King, Lord, High Priest, and Saviour Jesus down the path the He calls us. The one who chose to become a slave for our sake as He follows His Father’s will into exile. For our sakes, in love for us, He follows our human hard road to let us know that all of us have a place at His table and He understand and longs for all of us. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ, except our own choice to reject Him.

To get to know Jesus more you can read about Him in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible. To find The flight to Egypt it is in Matthew 2:13-19.

Hi everyone, you havent heard from me for a while because i’ve been very busy offline, and have been led to read jab injury testimonies and pray for everyone who is suffering because of them. I found this wonderful blog that shares how one can detox from the toxins in the jab, as well as support their immune systems.. and it gives hope to those who are discouraged with any side effects they may be having.

One day when Jesus returns to set His Father’s Kingdom on this Earth, Not only will mankind have no more disease, but the Earth and natural Environment itself will be restored from disease, pollution, toxins and corruption.

Here is the link to that blog:

The Manger of Our Hearts

Today is the day chosen to commerate Jesus’s birth into this dark, danky fallen World. The very fact He was born in a cell-like livestock stable- outside of a comfortable inn where others were permitted entrance, but not Him is prophetic of how only the humble, simple heart aware of it’s uncleanliness can welcome our Lord. Other hearts more sure of themselves leave Him no entrance.

There ws no room for Him to be born in a cozy lit up heated inn, made comfortable for travellers, but His birth was permitted in the lowliest of places outside of the inn- the place where the travellers tied up their horses or mules for the night. A place whose hay contained insects and lice, and whose floors needed daily cleaning -because livestock don’t wait to be taken outside if they need to release a bowel movement. There was no where to lay Jesus after His birth, but Mary improvised as best she could and borrowed a feeding trough made of stone, filled it with hay and bundled Him in there to lay.

Like the grungy “manger”, our Lord only finds welcome in the simplest, lowliest hearts- in those who know they are lacking and see their need for Him and His light. He is so often shunned- however politely, by the heart full of self-pride and comforts, that fails to see their desperate need of Him. These hearts think themselves above the “cattle stalls” of life, but they too desperately need Him. One day they may see their need for Jesus in their hearts as well, when they realize how shallow their “Inns” were after all.

That donkey/horse stable became a peaceful haven of God’s True Light where the Prince of Peace resided. Mary and Joseph would not trade it for the World as the One they kept their eyes upon was with them in there.

Opening blindly Jesus’s recorded words in “He and I”, after asking Him, He gave me this:

“…Did you know that there are deep forests, unfathomable oceans, and mountain peaks unknown to man where secret blossomings are for My extravagance of glory? So it is the hidden life of a soul. No human being ever suspects it, but I offer it to Myself and it is there that I delight to be with the children of men. Oh, My little girl, let us always live together in the Valley of Tears, and I’ll lead you to My Heavenly Home, the New Jerusalem. There no one will ever take us from one another. There it will be the Eternal Now.”

Pray Without Ceasing

I have been led lately- whenever I get to go online, to pray for all those who are suffering adverse reactions to anything in the medical World — wether they chose it , or it was forced upon them. I feel the Holy Spirit helping me in this intercession. I’ve also had a computer crash on me keeping me offline for a time, and I believe that was not a cooincidence- The dark side doesn’t want us to pray, but God does.

I asked our Lord Thanksgiving Morning (the rare time I had off) if He wants us to “travail in prayer” or is a simple prayer each day good enough… and opening up blindly His recorded words in “He and I”, wow, did He give me His response!! “First I opened up to “Love calls to Love”, and : “Because you have adored in blind faith, you will be rewarded.” Then I asked Him if He would give me anything further- feeling that He had still more for me.

I then blindly opened up to this!: “Why do I ask you to pray? Because prayer is to grace as the lighted match is to the candle. You get the picture: the first effort is man’s, then comes God. Always oneness. Never God alone. Never man alone. But God and man working together. This is the law of My love. Isn’t it beautiful? Why should you try to escape it?….So don’t be reticent. If you want Me, tell Me so. I mean pray- sink deep down into the remembrance of Me and talk to Me in a direct look. That’s what prayer is- the prayer that asks. The prayer that praises and thanks, the prayer that loves. Don’t you think that the direct look of love is very elequent?. Oh, My child, pray without ceasing Remember your Christ in His life. For Whom did He pray? You too pray for others and God will take care of you.”♥♥♥

Any Room For Jesus?

Mary was in labor and in much pain.. the ride on Joseph’s donkey only aggravated the pain in her womb. Joseph was trying to find a place where they could rest for the night. They reached an inn, only to be turned away. The innkeeper saw no monetary profit on giving up a room for two obviously poor travelers

Flash forward three decades later, and Jesus with His disciples , wearily walking the dusty road to Samaria sought rest. The disciples were relieved to see the first Samaritan village in sight. Though Jesus didn’t complain, they knew even He was tired and hungry. Maybe they also needed to use a restroom in the village as well.

When they reached the village entrance they were turned away. Perhaps someone asked Jesus, “where are you headed?” ., and He replied to them: “Jerusalem”. “Why go there? stay with us!” they may have replied., and He may have replied back, “No, I cannot stay., it is necessary for Me to be in Jerusalem.”

Offended, (as the Samaritans hated Jerusalem) they may have replied, ‘fine.. then go Your way- to Your precious Jerusalem!” and they sent Jesus and His disciples away. His disciples , angry, tired, indignant at the callous attitude of those Samaritans, asked Jesus if they should ask the Father to send fire from Heaven and destroy them. Jesus replied, “I came not to destroy, but to give life.” “Come, lets’ go to another village.”

So continuing on.. uncomfortable, hot and hungry, they trudged along the dusty roads toward another village that might receive them. Jesus never let His emotions take over His spirit even when the door was slammed in His face. He was grieved many times, yes.., but grieved at the person’s hardened heart.. He , no doubt, offered up His every day rejections to the Father for the good of mankind and prayed for that person’s soul.

I asked our Lord if He would allow me to blindly open up to something pertaining to this from His recorded words in “He and I”, and I then opened blindly to the following:

“Not to be wanted.. to have to depend on your welcome! i, Who would always want to lavish My love on each soul. And how can I, if you keep your door closed to Me? I was going to say, if you look hostile and suspicious.

Some are afraid I’ll ask too much of them. If they only knew how happy they would be in giving Me everything in complete and joyous surrender. The most beautiful gift you can give Me is your joy in serving Me.”

He Speaks

Attempting to pray this morning before getting out of bed for work, I dozed off. While in that state between waking and sleeping, I heard the following words: “They have no eyes, no ears and no one wants to hear My Word. ” This startled me awake and I asked the Lord to please give me spiritual eyes to see, spiritual ears to hear and a greater zeal to read and hear His Word… wether He speaks it, uses man to speak it, or it is through the written Word – the Bible.

I was reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 6:9 and Mark 4:12 where Jesus said: “….“The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those on the outside everything is expressed in parables,  so that,  they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.’” 

So after recording the words I heard down in my journal, I asked the Lord if He would give me something in reply to this, and I opened up blindly to the following: “Come along with Me, then, keeping close, and we’ll talk together. You will hear Me, and humbly you will translate My words into daily living. I know how to take a soul captive. I don’t speak in vain.”

A God-Man of Sorrows

He and I - Lui Et Moi

This entry in my journal, dated 3/18/21, is a reflection of a greater need for a closer relationship with Jesus in my life. It’s a reflection all of us need to make. How much our Lord has longed to gather us all to Himself like a Mother Hen would with her chicks.. but we would not let Him. Sure, we have accepted Him as our Savior, but what about our most Intimate Friend , Lord and King? Our El Shaddai (All Sufficient One). Sure, in every age there has always been a few.. but only a few who long to follow our Lord for more than entertainment, teachings, healings.. but purely for Himself.

How often I went in my own direction and remained a prodigal in my heart.. as long as I accepted Jesus as my Savior and lived a moral life.. serving Him on my own terms as long…

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