Category: Dreams

Our King’s Body Expresses Him

Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep.. I had a low grade sinus headache which still hadn’t gone away after waking up at midnight after getting to bed early at 8:00 pm. I asked the Lord if He would alleviate it so that I would be able to wake up in time to get ready for church this morning.. It didnt immediately go away, yet I did fall back to sleep for a time, and then had a wierd dream that I don’t want to go into here…as it was definitely not from God; more from the pits of Hell than anything. I woke up, and asked God to forgive and deliver me from any part of my human nature that gave license to any demon in having given me that dream.

Then I went back to sleep yet again, and this time, I had a sort of vision where I was observing an older man.. perhaps in his 60’s or 70’s in a hooded nuetral beighe/ivory robed garment as Jesus would have worn 2000 years ago. He was in a cavern type area with candlelight illuminating the stone walls around him. He was very reverently lovingly worshipping our Lord while lighting a candle and preforming some type of simple spiritual ceremony in that area… perhaps praying before giving out Holy Communion to those he was ministering to. I understood him to be some sort of a priest from the Early Church – perhaps one of the Apostles who walked with Jesus and were now serving Him as the Holy Spirit led them.

One of the main impressions I had watching this person back in ancient times was his demeanor and very essence spoke of Jesus… He was truly full of the Holy Spirit and to see this person was literally to see Jesus . He emanated Jesus so much that I even thought he WAS Jesus, only I knew Jesus was crucified in His early 30’s… and this man was in his late 60’s or so.

The Holy Spirit then confirmed to me that this man served Him while on Earth and was (and IS) a part of His Body of believers. He allowed himself to be emptied of his self-life so that the Holy Spirit could express HIMSELF through Him, and thus become united with His Love.. His Lord Jesus Who had become King in His own life. His worship and spiritual ceremony to the Lord was totally sincere and without fanfare or ego. I was actually drawn closer to Jesus, Himself, and felt more of a spiritual atttraction to Him by watching this disciple… who did not need to speak. The Lord through Him spoke volumes to me.

I woke up again from that dream and found my headache was totally gone., and I fell back asleep again with the memory of that vision… waking up the last time just in time to get ready for church. Putting on a local Christian radio station in the car , I quickly turned the radio off, as the music was so totally opposite to the holy reverence, simplicity and holiness I sensed emanating from that man in that vision earlier. I sensed such a spiritual contrast. Not that the musicians were bad people…. we are all works in progress at various degrees in need of learning and growing in our spiritual walk. I just felt that their music im this particular song missed the spiritual mark of the reverence and holy annointing of the Holy Spirit. Prior to that vision , perhaps I wouldn’t have noticed.

While in church our topic was regarding “God’s Nobodies”. Those who allow the Lord to be glorified through them, at the loss of their social reputations, and to accept persecutions to be identified with Jesus. Again, I thought of that vision of that ancient times servant of our Lord., and I saw the parallel. In order to be used by God on Earth as in Heaven, we need to become His nobodies… nothing in the eyes of others, not even anything special in our OWN eyes… but indeed, truly precious in God’s eyes. St. Therese of Lisuex was led to even serve and love our Lord even if she was not even precious in HIS eyes… but totally ignored by Him. Of course God definitely loves each of us, but He gave her grace to be disposed for even that … to love our Lord even if He could care less for us. This is only through His grace alone and I know I havn’t come to that point spiritually . I was just grateful for His encouragment , vision and teaching that He cared enough to send a random child of His who had a low-grade sinus headache!


Zipporah Mushala

Yesterday,I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in a vision of the day.I was in fellowship with the Lord when I just saw him in front of me. The Lord was smiling as he was looking and me and he said,”Thank you for loving me.” I was surprised and I told him, “But Lord,anyone can love you,you are so good! Its easy to love you!” I did not expect the response he gave me.He said,”Not everyone loves me fully,some people choose which parts of me to love.For example,they choose to love the part that I give blessings or the part that I answer prayer.They only choose to love that part but when I tell them that I also want holiness,they reject that part about me.They HATE that part of me because it requires them to sacrifice their worldly pleasures.They just want the good things and reject some parts like that as a true Christian,you will face many trials and tribulations on this earth including being hated by many and this you have to overcome. So that is why I am saying to you,Thank you,because you have loved ALL of me. The Lord looked emotionally moved to tears because of knowing that many people in the world do not love all of him.
Many people and in fact the majority of the world reject holiness.If you are still defending some things saying they are not sin just because you love them,just know that you hate some parts of the Lord.You hate some parts of Jesus.It may sound bad but it is the truth. People like to use the phrase we are saved by grace to justify their sin. Ephesians 2 says we are saved by grace. Being saved by grace simply means that we were saved by God when we did nothing to deserve being saved. We were sinners so we did not even deserve his salvation. Out if his tender mercies,he saved us by his grace(undeserved kindness).Ephesians 2:10 then says, Now that we have been saved when we did not deserve it,( by grace), we are his WORKMANSHIP to produce GOOD WORKS. We have to be Holy led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit is Holy and will not lead someone to do worldly things.
Some people do not even understand the meaning of we are saved by grace and they manipulate that scripture to please their bodies yet the bible calls for crucifying of the flesh and its lusts….”
From Zipporah Mushala    (see her link above)
for the entire part of her message , check out her youtube channel,..and video:


Well in this dream Jesus was at a party.   They were not living right and people were asking him to do things and he was he was helping them. He seemed to be serving but the people were not thankful to him.  Jesus became very sad and angry. I have never seen Jesus like this. I noticed in his hand he held a little golden cross. He was crying and he threw his cross up against the wall and stormed off down this hall. I woke up immediately. Jesus gave me a word for my dream.

“Krystal…What I showed you is how I feel. I love my precious Bride and I will do anything for her. Those that laugh at me and continue on in sin despite my many warnings and pleas have wearied me with their perverse ways. I help them but they laugh..sneer and continue to do their own will. I threw my cross as a sign of my anger…I will withdraw from those who reject is written. . I will not strive with a man forever. Truly I tell you never has a generation such as this provoked my wrath. I truly find great comfort in my Bride at this time. I hold and comfort her…uphold her as she does me. She longs for my return and is watching..alert .awake..ready.

There truly is no time remaining. The hour is at hand for the wedding banquet. I have prepared a place for my Bride unlike anything seen by man. The wedding feast is indescribable and the gifts I have are from me personally and I so long to present them to my children. The mansions I have prepared are absolutely breath taking. I AM truly coming. I can no longer tolerate the defiance from man and I will NOT be mocked. I love man so much I poured all my blood out for them on my cross at Calvary . How few receive this gift of salvation I so freely gave when I gave up my life. I knew this in Gethsemane and it caused me to wail loudly and utter many moans to my Father.

I was so sad that despite my great sacrifice so many would still pursue the world and all its false promises. I AM sad and angry as I look upon earth at this hour. I AM sad for those who do not know me and I will shake all of heaven and earth to wake them from their slumber. To those who love me and cling to me they bring me so much comfort and solace in this hour. My great desire is for man to know the real me and not who I have been made out to be..or thought to be. I AM fully God and fully man. I have all the same feelings as any man and despite my divinity I am disgusted and appalled by that which I see. I still shed tears for what is before me. I hear the cries of the hurting…the trodden down..the weary..those who feel forgotten and unloved by this cold world. I AM ever so near to them and I uplift them in my arms and hold them close to my close they feel my heart beats and its soothing rhythm. I too know the pain all to well of rejection and scorn. I came down from heaven and my own received me not. There are things that I have not revealed to man about me. For this was reserved for a later time and that time is upon man.

I AM close to the broken..the hurting and the weary..the lowly for that is where I see and find myself. My creation is based on love and family. A man..a woman..husband..wife..and children. Family is my greatest gift to man next to life itself. For in family love was intended. The world is in enmity with me. Filled with many distractions and false glory. The enemy desires fame. Power..glory…high positions of seen today was seen before. The pharisees and scribes of my time also desired high positions..I warned my children of this. They wear long and flowing robes…speak of God with their lips but their heart is far from me. There is a way that seems right to man..but in the end it leads to destruction and death. Narrow is the path to eternal life and few find it. Many today are on the broad path. They chase after this world..which is undone and my Father has declared its end. The new beginning is upon man..a glorious one at that. America grieves me so. I can not bless sin. This nation has passed abominable laws against me. The nation as a whole with exception of my own have followed pursuit. There is discipline and punishment for mockery of God. I cry to the whole earth to repent. America is in a state of darkness as is the whole earth. From one corner to the next it openly defies me. I can not tolerate this much longer. I need all eyes fixed on me…and off this world. I AM soon to come to establish my kingdom and My will be done alone. I desire all men to repent and none to perish. I plead with man continually.

My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. I give them eternal life. I hold them in the palm of my hand and no man can snatch them. The hour is very late oh earth hear me this moment. I have truly entered the door I tell you. All is about to change in the twinkling of an eye. I AM to pass final judgement on man. Please mankind I King of Kings and Lord of Lords..Jesus..Yeshua..Christ.. beg you. Yes plead with you to repent and chose life. I AM the way..the truth…the life..No man comes to the Father but through me..The Father and I are One. To see me is to see the Father.

My Bride look up for your redemption draws nigh. Come away with me won’t you..I love you…I will not disappoint you..I will reveal to all My new name I will be your God and you will be my people.Amen .. All my love…”
Jesus Christ

Shared by Krystal Bealle… given to her from our Lord while she was in prayer after her dream.


I had to write you this morning. I had many apocalyptic and God dreams around 2010-2012 after a near death in April of 2010. God had used this to bring me back to Him and draw me away from worldly things. He stripped me of everything. Acting, modeling, girl backup groups, photoshoots, boyfriend, partying, drinking, and He used this time to refine me with fire from heaven! My heart changed, my thoughts changed, my desires and priorities changed and while I was born again since I was 20 I was living for me and life was all about me. The Lord wanted to make it clear its all about HIM. I lost many friends during that time. Life has become lonely as my daughter is grown and I have been single for many years. God has blessed me with two amazing companion kitties, Josie and Sweet Pea. the same company for 28 yrs and in April was given a layoff notice. …….God has limited what I can do and it has slowed me down allot. I have worked for  I believe The Lord has removed me from the daily stress and anxiety grind after my entire life’s career to be able to spend all of my energies for Kingdom purpose……

I have had no dreams from The Lord since around late 2012 and now that my head is clear and my anxiety has been lowered I asked The Lord if there was anything in me that has kept me from hearing from Him in dreams and why I have felt far from Him. God showed me just a week ago a few hidden sins in the deepest corners of my heart that were unsightly to Him. Anger and resentment …feelings of rejection  … The Lord also showed me how He hates it when I talk about people because of my contempt or feelings of rejection. I have repented of these filthy rags and with the Holy Spirit’s help I will overcome. The thing I have not had is LOVE for others. Sometimes I don’t feel well and it makes me short with others…God is showing me these little things He wants cleaned out of my heart.   …..My whole life has become research and study for end times, things of the Bible, prophecy, Israel, and how current events and daily headlines line up with Bible prophecy. Now that I am not working I have hours and hours to study and it is all that is in my heart these days……

So with all my heart I talked to the Lord last night. I told Him I wanted to have purpose and to be involved and if He wanted me to share my dreams online I would but I had to know for absolute sure it was from Him and not from me trying to get attention and glory….its not about me! I told The Lord if He wanted me to do this it was up to Him to give me a dream for confirmation and I would do nothing until He gave me a dream. I have not heard from the Lord in a few years, and have felt far from Him. I gave it up to Him, thanked Him and went about my day.
I woke this morning in absolute amazement that The Lord of all would answer my prayers in such a tangible way and want to use such an imperfect selfish sinner such as me. After nearly 3 years, the same night I repented, and prayed earnestly, He gave me a dream! This is the dream:
I found myself walking out at night in a residential area, I felt I might be in danger and stayed up near the lit homes. I came to a bar where my sister was and was relieved to see her. There were many people there I kind of knew and then a gang of girls started getting angry at me, I grabbed my sweaters (I had about 3 or 4) and tried to leave. They stopped me and I looked for my sister and she was not around. One of the girls kept telling me I did something to her back some years ago. I asked her name and said I don’t even know who you are. She kept insisting and still I said I don’t even know you. If I did anything to you I am sorry but I don’t remember you. I quickly left and found myself walking along the interstate in the dark. People became unruly and crazy and they were driving like they were out of mad max with their headlights blaring coming off the roads into the valley next to the interstate. People were running from something but when I asked one woman she smiled and no idea. Everyone was flooring it into the valley in the dark with high beams coming out of the trees. I thought I should go with them and was suddenly in my sports car but I couldn’t go where they were going because the water was too deep. I tried to drive to the right…too deep and floody. I tried to drive where others sped, but it was too floody for my little sports car. I decided to go back to the road and get on the I-5 South highway. I barely was able to cross the street people were driving out of control. I came to a small shopping area and looked intently for the freeway signs. I had to get out and go through a store. When I came out of the store 4 women who said they were cops who clearly were not dressed as cops stopped me and demanding I pay them. I said when did Macys start charging people to leave their store? I tried to be nice as I was scared and opened my bags and I had delicious bbq’d ribs and gave them each one rib and three of them chowed down. The other wanted money, she was obese and was holding a large see through bag of money. She wanted my cash. I had always kept money stashed and was going to hand her my cash and I woke up.”
~Laura Keri