
In reading Genesis 7: 8-12,  the Lord showed me the tie-in of the dove Noah let loose from the ark, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.   It’s amazing how if we pray beforehand, the Holy Spirit opens and unlocks treasures within the Scriptures that we had no idea were there!

We all know that a dove represents the Holy Spirit., and when Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist at the start of His ministry, the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove and rested upon Him.  John was permitted to see this manifestation.    In Isaiah 11, the prophet prophesied, “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him.”

Back to Genesis, we read how Noah let the dove out of the ark , but finding no dry land for it to rest, this dove returned to the ark.   There still was no remaining life on the Earth.. it remained covered in flood waters.   Later, when Noah let the dove loose from the ark again, it not only found dry land to roost, but also newly sprouted plants.. , so returning,  it brought back a sprig from a young olive plant.  It was then that Noah knew that they would soon be leaving the ark onto dry land.

This is significant in the scriptures, because while the dove represents the Holy Spirit, the ark itself represents Jesus Christ, who as Son of Man, was completely filled with the Holy Spirit after His baptism in water by John.  Like the dove in Noah’s day, The Holy Spirit could find no person in which to rest except on Jesus.. the only spotless, pure person.   Later after the Son of Man died as the Lamb of God for man’s sins, He paved the way for the Holy Spirit to rest on those who receive Jesus’s Sacrifice for their sins:

 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever. That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it doesn’t see or know Him. You know Him, because he lives with you and will be in you”

I asked the Lord if He would give me something of His recoded words in “He and I” regarding this:

”  When a lonely stranger travels through a distant country, he sometimes finds it painful not to see an affectionate recognition anywhere but to go on His way as one among the dead.  I Am this Stranger when no remembrance of Me passes across your souls, when they are sealed and lifeless……”