Archive for May, 2016



This morning, I read the following insight  from Jesus from His words to Gabrielle Bossis, recorded in her journal, “He and I” which reveal a little of His daily life of self-denial for mankind.    Read this prayerfully.., it is so beautiful and bittersweet:

“…Look at Me in My gospels.  There you will find My history, My life-story.  You follow Me.  You see Me comfort, heal, suffer, obey My Father for all of you.  There you see Me denying Myself, keeping silence and speaking;  seeking solitude, followed by the crowds;  teaching, contradicted.  Full of courage in defending the truth, in rebuking the mighty, in taking the part of the little ones.  Filled with compassion for the humble, the repentant, the oppressed.  Thinking only of my people- not of Me; for you and against Myself.

…You remember the other day in Paris when you found yourself in a broadcasting studio filled with noisy, bold people, you thought, “What am I doing here?”   When I came from Heaven to Earth, I might have asked myself the same question if I had not come to suffer, to prove My love for you all along the path of My life…longer than the road to Calvary.

How could you ever count My sacrifices?  The stars witnessed My nightly prayers;  the cold My frozen limbs;  the earth, My broken feet.  Who could have guessed at My ardor for My Father;  the intensity of My love for you.  You of every age and race right to the very end of time….”





A few days ago I was reading an entry from Sister Faustina’s diary, “Divine Mercy in My Soul” of a vision she was given of Jesus praying to His and our Father in Heaven.    I was so struck by it, as she received a glimpse of how One He is with the Father… and the unity and love They share..   I wanted to share it here:

“Holy Hour-  Thursday, during the hour of prayer, Jesus allowed me to enter  the *Cenacle (*Cenacle – an old word meaning the room where Jesus had the Last Supper with His disciples), and I was a witness to what happened there.  However, I was most deeply moved when , before the consecration, Jesus raised His eyes toward Heaven and entered into a mysterious conversation with His Father.  It is only in Eternity that we shall really understand that moment.  His eyes were like two flames.  His face was radiant, white as snow;  His whole Personage full of Majesty, His soul full of longing.

At the moment of the consecration, love rested satiated- the sacrifice fully consummated.  Now only the external ceremony of death will be carried out- external destruction:  The essence (of it) is in the Cenacle.  Never in my whole life had I understood this mystery so profoundly as during the hour of adoration.  Oh, how ardently I desire that the whole world would come to know this unfathomable mystery. ”

– sis. Faustina Kowalska in her diary, “Divine Mercy In My Soul”.