Category: Meditations of Jesus


The young annointed king David was chosen by God to be the rightful king over Israel. King Saul was whom the people of Israel chose.., so that they could be like all of the other nations. After a series of disobediences by Saul, the Lord took the kingdom from him and gave it to whom HE chose- David, who God called “a man after My own Heart”. God still annointed Saul in the beginning , to where Saul was even given the gift of prophecy, but by degrees, Saul chose his own way over God’s way. By appearances he honored God, but in his heart, he elevated himself over God. In fact, Saul even had a monument erected for himself.– not to honor God, but to honor himself. (1 Samuel 15:12 )

When Samuel directed Saul (through the Holy Spirit) , he only half obeyed God’s leading, and made sure that with his partial obedience, he also snuck in his own choices as he saw fit. An example of this is when God , through Samuel, directed him to totally slay the Amalekites (including their herds) in battle, yet while he slayed the Amalekites, he spared the best of their herds for animal sacrifices as well as sparing the king of the Amelakites. When Samuel called him on this, he made excuses and only superficially repented after he was backed into a corner by Samuel. Saying: “The soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal.” Notice how Saul refers to God, not as HIS God, but Samuel’s God when he says, “your God”.

After Samuel told him that God was going to remove the Kingdom from him, and give it to another who the Lord was more pleased with, Saul repented.. but only to save face before the people. “Saul replied, “I have sinned. But please honor me before the elders of my people and before Israel; come back with me, so that I may worship the Lord your God.”

We know that by degrees, Saul kept on making his own choices apart from God.. even contacting a witch after Samuel died, instead of praying to God for advice… so that he eventually opened himself up to demon attachment to where young David had to play soothing hymns on his harp to soothe Saul’s anxiety. Saul , who was at one time blessed by the Holy Spirit and given the gift of prophecy when first annointed king, but who, through his own continous acts of disobedience, pushed the Holy Spirit out of his own heart. Leaving a vaccum where God used to reside, demonic entities took over and Saul resembled king Herod more than someone who was at one time annointed by God. He became prey to fits of jealousy and rage… especially toward David whom he realized was to be the future king to take his place.. the one God told Samuel about. Hearing the local villagers applaud David after he slew Goliath, and singing in the streets, “Saul slew thousands but David Ten Thousands”, this created more thorns of jealousy in his heart that grew into hate toward David.

Samuel confirmed to David that he was to be the king over Isreal , but David refused to take that position until GOD would choose HIS timing. Until then, David lived as an exile, with men who committed themselves to following him. Many opportunities came for David to slay Saul , who continuously chased after him with an army of men to kill him.., but he refused to slay him… even contradicting his own faithful advisors.. His Advisor was the Holy Spirit. “

In 1 Samuel 24, we read: “He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave was there, and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his men were far back in the cave.  The men said, “This is the day the Lord spoke of when he said to you, ‘I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.’” Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe.   He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.”  With these words David sharply rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way.”

Nevertheless, after David revealed to Saul later that he could have killed him, but refused to , and even honored Saul by laying prostrate before him., there was a degree of compuction by Saul.. but in time, he allowed the Dark Side to win over and he resorted back to his old hate, continuing to hunt David down and forcing him to live as a future king in exile.  Only until the Death of Saul, did David become the king over Israel. The heart David had was so full of the love of God, that he wept over Saul’s death… in spite of the fact that Saul hated him.

The difference between Saul and David is.. that while David made his moral mistakes, he allowed the Holy Spirit to convict and renew his heart, and he never made that same mistake again. “Make within me a clean heart, my God, and renew a right spirit within me.” He would pray. Saul didnt make the same moral mistakes before others… noone could point a finger on him for anything immoral, yet his heart refused to yield over to the Holy Spirit , thinking he was good enough and as long as he looked holy enough before the people, that was the important thing. He didnt realize that He needed to be sanctified and holy before God First, and have God’s approval… not the approval of the people. David lost approval from his own people on various occasions.. rebuking his men for advising him to slay Saul, and going against what seemed the right thing to do , so that he could do what GOD desired of him… cost what it may. His followers were tired of constantly running from Saul and wanted David to finally kill this king once and for all .. partly so that they could stop running and hiding. David never forced anyone to follow him, yet when they tried to influence his decisions, he never conceded with them if it meant disobeying what God’s Spirit desired of him.

God was at home in David’s heart. Saul’s heart did not leave any room for God’s Spirit to dwell so that , by degrees, demonic entities took Saul’s heart over. Saul made a monument to honor himself, yet David desired to build a Temple to honor GOD alone. But God was already at home in David’s heart. He was already the Temple of the Lord … pleased at David’s love for Him, he permitted David’s future Temple.. but only that it would not be built by David but by his son, Solomon.

Like king David, our Lord Jesus Christ is also a young king in Exile awaiting the Day of the Father when He can build His Father’s Kingdom on this Earth, as in Heaven. As of now, His Kingdom is being built in the hearts of those who receive the Holy Spirit’s full way within them.

St. Therese of Lisuex was led to share once, “Our Lord does not come down from Heaven every day to lie in a golden ciborium. He comes to find another heaven which is infinitely dearer to Him -the heaven of our souls.”  If you look within the eyes of St. Therese of Lisuex, and others who follow our Lord , you see our King in Exile looking out through their eyes because they , like king David, made room for Him. These souls are His Temple that He may rest His head; The eyes are the mirror of one’s soul, and through His Temple, you can see the Light of our King shine forth. They are One with Him.









One of the many sufferings our Lord experienced throughout His physical life on Earth (before His crucifixion) was in not being received.  This suffering was more intense for our King in Exile to endure than most other sufferings due to the fullness of His unselfish love for all mankind.   He came to give of Himself,  to serve and not to be served.  Jesus never lived for His own agenda or self-interests.  While , as the Son of Man, He COULD have lived for Himself, but because He continually emptied Himself of Self.,  His heart was (and IS) completely full of the Father and Holy Spirit’s love for all mankind.

To be full of THAT kind of love , only to have that love rejected , shunned, and a wall of defense put up to block His Light from entering one’s heart caused Him great spiritual pain.  Spiritual pain is far worse a suffering than even emotional pain, and not many experience this degree of suffering unless they have reached a certain degree of oneness with Jesus.   Those who DID receive Jesus could only receive His Love and Light by degrees.. a little at a time.   That is also painful for our Lord, and required a great deal of grace ..  the patience of genuine Love that longed for His beloved to look His way, and open her heart to receive His Living Water and Light.    Love longs to give of Itself ., to love and to be loved.  Love is pained by limits set and walls erected.

When Jesus wept over Jerusalem, His heart was deeply pained. (Luke 19:41) “When He saw the city (Jerusalem), He wept over it, saying, “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace., but now they are hid from your eyes!…”    He was also deeply grieved when He said, “Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you!  How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! (would not let Him)

In the Scriptures, we read, “We love Him because He first loved us”.,   This is painfully true because our Lord’s final act of Love for  His Beloved on this Earth even resembled an embrace of all mankind.  His arms were  extended on the crossbeams left to right in one huge “embrace” for all… including His enemies.   It was His last cry of Love that expressed His desire to embrace all- that through His final Sacrifice for mankind, might souls be brought through Him, back to the Father..  Like a Hen gathering her chicks under Her wing.

note:  after this blog post, I blindly opened to Jesus’s recorded words in “He and I”, and opened to the following:   “Not to be wanted.. to have to depend on your welcome!  I , who would always want to lavish My love on each soul.  And how can I, if you keep your door closed to Me?  I was going to say, “If you look hostile an suspicious.  Some are afraid that I’ll ask too much of them.  If they only knew how happy they would be in giving Me everything in complete and joyous surrender.  The most beautiful gift you can give Me is your joy in serving Me.”(…)


In reading Genesis 7: 8-12,  the Lord showed me the tie-in of the dove Noah let loose from the ark, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.   It’s amazing how if we pray beforehand, the Holy Spirit opens and unlocks treasures within the Scriptures that we had no idea were there!

We all know that a dove represents the Holy Spirit., and when Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist at the start of His ministry, the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove and rested upon Him.  John was permitted to see this manifestation.    In Isaiah 11, the prophet prophesied, “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him.”

Back to Genesis, we read how Noah let the dove out of the ark , but finding no dry land for it to rest, this dove returned to the ark.   There still was no remaining life on the Earth.. it remained covered in flood waters.   Later, when Noah let the dove loose from the ark again, it not only found dry land to roost, but also newly sprouted plants.. , so returning,  it brought back a sprig from a young olive plant.  It was then that Noah knew that they would soon be leaving the ark onto dry land.

This is significant in the scriptures, because while the dove represents the Holy Spirit, the ark itself represents Jesus Christ, who as Son of Man, was completely filled with the Holy Spirit after His baptism in water by John.  Like the dove in Noah’s day, The Holy Spirit could find no person in which to rest except on Jesus.. the only spotless, pure person.   Later after the Son of Man died as the Lamb of God for man’s sins, He paved the way for the Holy Spirit to rest on those who receive Jesus’s Sacrifice for their sins:

 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever. That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it doesn’t see or know Him. You know Him, because he lives with you and will be in you”

I asked the Lord if He would give me something of His recoded words in “He and I” regarding this:

”  When a lonely stranger travels through a distant country, he sometimes finds it painful not to see an affectionate recognition anywhere but to go on His way as one among the dead.  I Am this Stranger when no remembrance of Me passes across your souls, when they are sealed and lifeless……”




John 13:3-5

“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that  He had come from God and was going to God, rose from Supper, laid aside His garments, and girded Himself with a towel.  Then He poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded…”

In that portion of John 13, the sentence, “laid aside His garments and girded Himself with a towel” is emphasized.  There is much in these words, as from Jesus’s very incarnation..even while He was still in Heaven, our exiled King laid aside His garments for the Father.., He laid aside His reputation, all of His rights and His Majesty and Divinity, and lowered Himself as a servant to a fallen Creation.  A Creation made of nothing but mere space dust which the Holy Spirit had breathed His Life into, and which the Father had originally fashioned into His image..    But dust (all of us) that lost that original image and needs restoration.  So the Son of the Father came down to this environmentally dysfunctional planet to live amongst men, .. to lay aside His divinity and be a servant of servants for the Father.

Jesus came to get His hands dirty.   He touched the leper with love;  He also washed the disciples filthy smelly feet.. yes including Judas’s feet, and He knew that Judas was about to betray Him.    Jesus came to serve and not to be served., and those who seek to belong to Him, as subjects of His Kingdom are also identified with Him as the Servant of servants.

I asked our Lord, if He wouldn’t mind allowing me to blindly open up to something from His recorded words in “He and I” pertaining to this, and He gave me this:

“5/22/47-  “See everything in Truth.  May your whole life speak the language of Love, in Me and by Me.  And may the moments that remain for you be nothing but goodness and tenderness- the gift of yourself.  You remember that evening before My death?  Wasn’t it as though My entire being had been translated into Love during My last supper?  Be full of indulgence and compassion for everone.  Remember that I called Judas “My friend”.  Imitate your Bridegroom.  Desire to be identified with Him.”

~Thankyou, our Lord of love and humility♥♥♥

The Time Had Come



Jesus knew the time had come where He would be going up that mountain that the Father would be showing Him.. the mountain outside Jerusalem’s city gates.   His face was then set toward Jerusalem.  Even the disciples noticed this.  The Samaritans noticed this as well and became offended in Him, not understanding that for Him, Jerusalem would mean death and a baptism by fire.  It was not a pilgrimage of honors.

The “mountain” the Father’s beloved   Son.. His “Isaac”, would climb was Golgotha, and the wood that He was to carry up that mountain was the wood He, the Lamb of Sacrifice, would be nailed upon.   As Isaac centuries earlier had allowed Abraham to bind Him on that wood, Jesus freely offered Himself to be betrayed, handed over and bound by His enemies and be put to death outside Jerusalem’s city gates.. a final act of love and surrender to His Father before being buried in a borrowed tomb.

His face was set toward Jerusalem because He lived to do the Father’s will, and He knew it was time.”

What He told Gabrielle Bossis in the published journal “He and I” mirrors His own  relationship with His Father:

“Sacrifice yourself to the point of not even noticing your sacrifice.  And suffer with the greatest simplicity, since it is all for Me, your Christ; Who suffered for you.  What is life when one possesses Eternity?  …Never suffer outside of My love, but let your suffering be like new accents of love for Me that says, “You know that I love You, that I am as incense burning before Your face with the utmost desire to please You, My Friend”.



In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked His three closest disciples if they would watch and pray with Him as He knelt some yards away.  His sweat was as drops of blood, so intense was the spiritual attack against Him by Satan and his demonic agents of darkness.  If Evil could have permission to kill Him there and then in that garden, they would have, so that Jesus.. whose face was set toward Jerusalem where they killed and stone the prophets, would not be able to fulfill His Father’s perfect will for mankind’s salvation.

Satan visited Jesus many many times with various traps, temptations and provocations, so that He would not be that spotless Lamb… so that He would somehow be corrupted in His purity and not be suitable as the Lamb of Sacrifice for mankind.   All temptations failed against Jesus… who ever emptied Himself of all selfishness and ego, so satan could never find anything to trip Him up with or make Him fall.  He already emptied Himself of all self, and made Himself lower than any man, so He couldn’t fall.. He was already at ground level and placed Himself last place in all things.   Satan knew His ministry was coming to a close, and He would be offering Himself according to the Father’s will.,  so he saved his worst , more vehement temptations and attacks against Jesus strategically at the end.. starting in Gethsemane, and culminating right up to Jesus’s death on the cross.

Jesus desired that His closest disciples would pray with Him.,.. would give Him some comfort and spiritual support by praying with Him to the Father, because He knew it was a real possibility that He might even die in that Garden..  Satan was throwing everything against Him.    Instead of praying or watching with Him, they fell asleep, leaving Jesus alone against satan, pleading before the Father for the strength to carry on His mission .. yet nevertheless, not HIS will…  not HIS desires, but whatever change in plan the Father might have.. He wanted only to do what pleased the Father.

Centuries earlier, another son of David.., king Solomon, penned the Song of Solomon, and wrote about the Shulamite woman who could not get out of bed when her Beloved knocked for her to let him in.   His hair was “wet with the dew of the night”., as though he had just been through a great battle with the enemy, and was seeking consolation and intimacy with his fiance’…his bride-to-be.   What a chance she missed to embrace her Beloved and wipe the blood an sweat off of his brow.  To be his “Veronica”, for him, and wipe the dew off affliction off of His face.  What a chance the disciples missed in comforting the One they loved and left everything behind to follow.

In the journal, “He and I”, Gabrielle records “I was watching Him weep in the Garden of Gethsemane and I asked Him to let His tears fall into my heart.”

She then records Jesus’s response to her:   “Yes, there were moments when I saw the comfort that My soul friends would give Me all down the ages.  I saw their great desire to suffer in My place, and I sent flowing to them the merits of My fearful agony, for I saw the first man  and all the others, right to the very last.  What a burden, My child for one who atones!”…..

“…. Come and watch Me suffer in the garden, just as though it were that very night.  It is always that very night, for God sees all time at a glance.  Don’t leave Me!  I’m like a terrified child who begs not to be left alone.  Stay there, let Me know that you’re with Me.  A presence is soothing.  Hold My hand.  I am only a poor Man full of distress even though I Am God.  Noone will ever understand the depths of My desolation.  I feel the need of being surrounded by all My dear ones, for I see the powers of evil let loose and I am alone to defend Myself.  Pray with Me.  Do you have a firmer belief in My love now that you see Me suffer so?”

note:  photograph from a movie still of the movie, “The Passion of Christ”



His Wounded Hands


This morning I was thinking about Jesus’s wounded hands..   If ever a person should have had the utmost care given their hands, it is Jesus.. because He had done nothing but good, and expressed nothing but love with those hands of His.   He touched a leper as He healed him.. (and it wasn’t necessary for Him to touch that leper for him to be healed.. His heart was stirred with compassion for the leper); He pulled people out of their deathbeds with those hands.  With His hands, He worked with wood to support Mary and her other children after Joseph died. As a servant, He washed the disciples dirty feet with His hands. He picked up the little child to bless with His hands and with His hands He wipes away our tears.

Those hands deserved the utmost expensive nard ointment and a solid gem encased gold ring on His finger., but Jesus is as the child reaching for the injured bird caught in  the thorns, to save it from death.   Happily he saves the bird , not concerned with the thorn caused bloody wounds.  All Jesus ever expressed with His hands was Divine love.

Even when Jesus used His hands to hold the whip that drove the money changers out of the Temple, He wielded that whip with Divine Love..   Not to injure the money changers, but to detox the Temple of the festering greed of alliance with this World’s system.

The Holy Spirit always led His hands, but it was mankind who mistreated them , bludgeoning them with thick iron stake-like nails., damaging the flesh , muscles and nerves in His hands/wrists as His arms were forced out of joint as they hammered them onto the wooden crossbeam of His cross.  The cross He was made to carry up Golgotha with those splintered hands of love.  The cross made of wood from trees He had once shaped as a carpenter’s son.  Trees He had created centuries earlier with His Father and Holy Spirit for this Earth.. made out of love for man and beast.

No, our Lord deserved precious ointment on those hands,!    In Heaven, we will see those hands and if He permits, we will kiss them in tears, for what He endured to pull us out of the Thorns of this World and our self, to set us free to embrace Him .. with our hands!


alleged actual outer garment belonging to Jesus.. that was stripped from Him.  ( photo is an  U.S. Air Force photo taken by 2nd Lt. Stephani Schafer)


All of us are familiar with the account where Jesus washes His disciples feet., but let us look deeper into this account..  and take a closer look at Jesus.

John 13: 1-17 relays this entire event, but let us focus on John 13: 3-5, especially.   John relays to us how Jesus “laid aside His outer garments” before putting a towel around His waste, getting on His knees before the disciples and washing each of their dirty feet.   The very mentioning of Him laying aside His outer garments is very significant.. and as is always the case,  the Holy Spirit intended for that detail to be recorded in the Scriptures.

Jesus “Lay aside His Royal garments of Diety” from birth..  from the moment He was born on Earth .. in a stable, and laid in hay in an animal feeding trough.   Throughout His life and ministry, He laid aside His reputation,  living as a “nobody” amongst nobodies.    And upon His execution, He again “lay aside His garments” to fulfill His Father’s will with love as His Father’s “bondslave”, and die an unfair torturous criminals’ death, to pay the price for mankind’s fall.   He again laid aside not only His Royal garments,  but also any rights to Himself whatsoever.     Before He died, hanging there in great pain and blood, He watched the guards gamble for His clothing..  They were gambling for His garments as He hung there dying so that they could be clothed in HIS righteousness one day.

Stripped of everything on all levels,  He never protested, but willingly “laid aside” all, for the Father, Who clothed Him again with Heaven’s garment of perfect Righteousness as our King of Kings..destined to be our King on Earth for the Father as He is in Heaven.

ps..  I asked the Lord if He would give me something of His recorded words from “He and I” pertaining to this, and I blindly opened up to the following:  

“Havn’t I been your Brother?  Don’t I know human nature and the life of man on earth?  You are so used to picturing Me as the God in heaven that you forget how I toiled, suffered from cold, heat, hunger, just as you do.  But I was always more afflicted than you.  When the last day comes and you look for Him who on earth was the poorest and most tortured of men you will recognize the Son of Man and you will understand why He received the greatest weight of glory.”

Where Do You Dwell?



John the Baptist pointed Jesus out to his followers, “Behold, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World” (John 1:29) after seeing Jesus walking towards them.   The following day, he saw Jesus again (walking further away from them) and to the two disciples that were with him, he exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God!”

These two disciples of John left John and went after Jesus.  Jesus turned and saw them walking after Him, and He asked them, “what do you seek?” .   They replied, “Rabbi, where do you dwell?”,   and Jesus replied, “Come and see”.    So the disciples stayed with Jesus.   The scriptures state, “and it was the tenth hour”.      That is very significant , and definitely something the Holy Spirit made sure got into the translation.    The number #10 in scriptures represents “all that man can contain”.   An example of that is the fact that God created mankind with ten fingers ; we need ten to hold “all that we can contain” in our hands.    The disciples had reached all that they could contain in what they learned from John..,   but they were ready to “graduate” and move on spiritually with Jesus.     John’s other disciples were not ready and were comfortable remaining in the “status quo” with John’s teachings.

John the Baptist actually encouraged and wanted to see all of his disciples follow after Jesus, but it was up to each disciple to make that choice.. he wouldn’t push them.  Two of his disciples MADE that choice and moved on with Jesus.  They saw where He “dwelled”, and they wanted to dwell with Him also.

Later in Jesus’s ministry, after all 12 disciples were given to Him by the Father,  Jesus was teaching the multitudes who always gathered around Him to see Him perform miracles and healings.  Eventually,  the Lord finished His parables with the multitudes, and “calling it a day”,  excused Himself and walked with His disciples up a mountain or elevated area of the land to rest.    In those multitudes were certain ones who also wanted to see where “Jesus dwelt”.   They were also not content with seeing what Jesus could do or perform.  They wanted to learn more about HIM.  Their spirits were hungry for more than just the spectacular.

When Jesus reached the top of that mount, He turned around and saw many had continued to follow Him up to the top., whereas the majority left to go back to their homes.   He sat down and it was at this mount that He shared with these hungry souls deeper teachings of the Kingdom of God..  things that the multitudes were not ready to hear.  It was here that Jesus taught these souls the Beatitudes.. and the narrow path that leads directly to His Kingdom.

Jesus taught them what it means to be nothing in the eyes of man, but known only to God, the Father.  To serve instead of seeking to be served, and to be willing to stand “last in line” for His sake.  This is the way of the Kingdom and this is where Jesus “dwells”♥

Let us “come and see!”

ps.   After recording this meditation in my journal, I asked our Lord if He would permit me to open up to something pertaining to this from His recorded words in “He and I”.,   and this is what He gave me!:

“.. You have noticed how sometimes you get others to follow you without saying a word?  I wanted to leave all of you My example;  it said, “Follow Me.  This will be your response to Love.”  Do you think there were many who heard and followed?  My sweat of blood in Gethsemane was for that.  For that the tears that disfigured My face so much that Peter, James and John had difficulty recognizing Me.   Oh little flock of My most faithful friends, come to meet Me every day in a passage of the Gospels.  Look for My heart there, and give Me yours.”

the passion of the christ serpent garden of olives passion021

(photos from the movie, The Passion of Christ, produced by Mel Gibson)


Below is an actual transcript of Jesus’, through the Holy Spirit sharing with sister, Tracy Savannah, a little of His experience on Earth..   and His message to us all.   Tracy is baptized by the Holy Spirit, so when she goes into prayer, she can connect with Him and hear Him speak all the more clearly to her.   This message can be found on Tracy’s You Tube channel a this link: and was given to her on 11/2/18

“I walked alone, but I was NOT alone because the Father was with Me.  I was way out of their league.  The people- the generation that I came to preach the Kingdom of God to were way out of My league.  They had made up their own minds, their own precepts, their own doctrines.      I came to provide a NEW doctrine to them- to their ears they had not ever heard and not ever seen with their eyes.  They had no idea.

I had to lean on My Father like never before.  When I was in Heaven, I was near My Father at all times.  I was not flesh.  So when I came to this earth, I had to lean on Him like never before in My life.        Oh, it was grand!   It was quite the experience.  It was amazing!  It was wonderful, it was glorified. (Tracy:  “wow, I feel your heart, Jesus..)

Jesus continues:  When I was tempted of the devil, I knew I had power over him by the word of God.  The word of God crushed him under My feet.  Use My word to crush the devil under your feet, My children. (Tracy:  “Yes, JESUS!”).   The devil has no power over you – over My word.  Stop letting the devil under your feet- he’s crushed by My word.  My word goes out of My mouth- it is like a two edged sword.  It fights dominions, it fights principalities, it fights devils, it fights darkness.  Start speaking My word, children.  Speaking My word over every single area of your life that is dark, and you will see the Light come.  It is MY Light- My Light is the Word.

I AM the Word- yes- I AM the Word made FLESH.  Open your eyes, children.  Get My word inside of you, Get ME inside of you- I’m Jesus.  I love you all- each and everyone.  I am alive;  I am real.  I Am the Resurrection and I am the Life.”