He and I - Lui Et Moi

This entry in my journal, dated 3/18/21, is a reflection of a greater need for a closer relationship with Jesus in my life. It’s a reflection all of us need to make. How much our Lord has longed to gather us all to Himself like a Mother Hen would with her chicks.. but we would not let Him. Sure, we have accepted Him as our Savior, but what about our most Intimate Friend , Lord and King? Our El Shaddai (All Sufficient One). Sure, in every age there has always been a few.. but only a few who long to follow our Lord for more than entertainment, teachings, healings.. but purely for Himself.

How often I went in my own direction and remained a prodigal in my heart.. as long as I accepted Jesus as my Savior and lived a moral life.. serving Him on my own terms as long…

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